MHS PRESENTATION - Walter Reed National Military Medical Center: A Case Study in Rebuilding Clinical Readiness in the Military Health System
Date & Time
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM

Discuss the conditions and capabilities driving clinical readiness in military medicine and the role of Military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) in supporting national military objectives. Panel Discussion: Examining Walter Reed National Military Medical Center as an example, discuss barriers preventing MTFs from optimally pursuing their military missions. Discussion will focus on issues in the areas of access to care, workforce, physical infrastructure, operations management, and leadership and communication. Highlight recent and current initiatives addressing these barriers and discuss what solution approaches may best sustain momentum in overcoming these barriers. Discussion will focus on improving conditions for patients and staff, developing and implementing more effective capacity management tools, aligning MTF resourcing to MTF military requirements, and improving patients’ access to MTF-based care.

Location Name
Woodrow Wilson Ballroom
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Learning Outcomes
1.Discuss clinical readiness in term of what it is and how it related to the team, the mission and service specific training
2.Describe barriers within the direct care system that should be identified and addressed to ensure optimize patient and clinical experiences
3.Describe military health professional workforce barriers
4.Discuss solutions to these issues that would clinical readiness and optimize care across the Military Health System.
Session Type
CE/CME Session
CE/CME Session
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