#145 - Survey of Medical Simulation Training in Trauma Skills for Advanced Providers and Nurses in the US Military
Date & Time
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 12:00 PM

The training of skills included in the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course and the Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) frequently occurs in medical simulation environments, yet the precise frequency and modality of training by which these skills are taught across all US Military Health System (MHS) simulation centers is unknown. The aim of this study is to provide the first comprehensive overview of these advanced provider and nursing skills as taught in MHS simulation programs in order to inform program leaders’ decisions related to material investments, allocation of resources, and curriculum development in order to meet demands related to readiness requirements and the availability of training for specific skills and providers.

Location Name
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall A/B
Content Presented on Behalf of
Uniformed Services University
Learning Outcomes
1) Understand current challenges to the maintenance of medical readiness, i.e. the expected transition to prolonged field care becoming the norm in operational medicine, the low frequency of patient encounters available, the issue of skill decay.<br />
2) Gain a greater awareness of the capacity for simulation-based medical education to address training gaps, e.g. trauma simulation providing experiences to learners not typically found in peacetime / MTF training, the notably favorable comparison to simulation-based mastery learning as compared to traditional (passive) learning methods, and in providing the opportunity for assessment as well as for instruction.<br />
3) Identify the frequency and modality of simulation-based procedural skills training available for advanced provider and nursing skills. Descriptive statistics provide the first comprehensive overview of medical simulation training activities in the MHS based on the participation of 80% of total sim program sites. Learners will be able to understand: what is being taught to whom, and by what method?
Session Type