#179 - Embedded Team Performance Experts Improve Military Medical Student Resilience and Optimize Mental Performance in High Stress Immersion Trauma Training
Date & Time
Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM

This pilot study evaluated the impact of integrating Performance Experts (PE) from the Army Resilience Directorate's Ready and Resilient Program (R2) into a five-day hyper-realistic™ intensive trauma and surgical skills training (HITSST) program for second-year military medical students. The PEs objective was to provide cognitive and resilience skills training and performance support to students, aiming to optimize resilience and hardiness in the context of high-stress training scenarios to which the students are exposed in this training program. Forty-eight second-year military medical students participated in the study, with each PE assigned to a team of six students. The training program commenced with a 90-minute block of cognitive and resilience skills training (Day zero), followed by four days of intensive HITSST with mass casualty events. Instructional content was immediate skills training building upon training and skills from Day zero. Following the mass casualty scenarios to which the students are exposed, the PEs provided feedback, reflection, and teaching points, separate from the medical performance evaluations conducted by the training cadre. To assess the impact of embedding PEs with HITSST, focus groups were conducted separately with students and PEs to gather their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The findings revealed several key themes: (1) PE support, (2) personalized feedback, (3) skill development, and (4) critical skill integration. Student focus groups revealed there was a unanimous consensus that PEs played a crucial role in debriefing high-stress situations. Analysis revealed that PEs served as support figures and provided neutral or “safe” outlets for reflection, distinct from the medical personnel. Students reported that personalized critiques on their behaviors under stress were highly valuable. PEs played a pivotal role in providing this personalized feedback and were highly valued for their input on emotional regulation they provided to students. This emotional support was instrumental in helping students advance and integrate cognitive skills throughout the training. In focus groups with PEs, the PEs found their role most beneficial in preparing students for the stress of intense simulation exercises. They reported that they equipped students with mental skills such as attention control, compartmentalization, diaphragmatic breathing, and effective communication strategies. These skills were instrumental in helping students process information, build mental resilience, and optimize their performance in high-stress scenarios. PEs reported that critical skills for medical students that emerged from the data included self-reflection, improved situational awareness, and self-regulation. These skills enabled students to filter pertinent information, prioritize areas of improvement, and apply them to future training exercises. Results of this study suggest that embedding neutral, skilled Performance Experts into high-stress training environments can significantly enhance the emotional resilience and hardiness of military medical students. PEs were seen to serve as vital support figures, providing personalized feedback, mental skills development, and emotional support. The findings highlight the potential for mental performance training with embedded PEs to optimize future trainings, leading to improved outcomes in military medical training programs.

Location Name
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall A/B
Content Presented on Behalf of
Other entity not listed
Learning Outcomes
1. Participants will be able to describe the role of Performance Experts (PEs) in<br />
training military medical students on strategies for emotion regulation in high-<br />
stress situations.<br />
2. Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the valuable contribution of<br />
PEs as proactive mental performance coaches during intensive trauma training<br />
under high-stress conditions.<br />
3. Participants will apply their knowledge by recognizing the importance of<br />
embedding PEs within training teams to provide real-time guidance and support<br />
during medical training exercises
Session Type