Management of Recurrent Eumycetoma of the Foot: A Case of Surgical Excision and Antifungal Treatment
Content Presented on Behalf of
International Delegates
Services/Agencies represented
International/Non-US Delegate, Other/Not Listed
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care, Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize the clinical presentation and diagnostic challenges of eumycetoma.
2. Understand the role of combined surgical and antifungal treatment in recurrent cases
of eumycetoma.
3. Identify potential complications of prolonged antifungal therapy and adjust treatment
4. Implement effective post-surgical wound care strategies for eumycetoma.
5. Monitor long-term outcomes in patients with recurrent eumycetoma and adjust
management as necessary.
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