Active case finding for tuberculosis among Ukrainian soldiers at the German Armed Forces (Retro-TB-Bw)
Content Presented on Behalf of
International Delegates
Services/Agencies represented
International/Non-US Delegate
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care
Learning Outcomes
1.) TB among Ukrainian is a relevant problem
2.) NATO must develop concepts for a possible conflict in Eastern Europe to protect its own soldiers and society at home from TB.
3.) It is necessary to simplify the screening procedure and to prepare for a rising number of TB cases, especially with MDR/XDR TBs.
2.) NATO must develop concepts for a possible conflict in Eastern Europe to protect its own soldiers and society at home from TB.
3.) It is necessary to simplify the screening procedure and to prepare for a rising number of TB cases, especially with MDR/XDR TBs.
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