The day jobs of reserve component medical personnel and their impact on medical surge planning
Content Presented on Behalf of
Uniformed Services University
Services/Agencies represented
Uniformed Services University (USU)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe key trends in the civilian medical employment of military and civilian medical reserve personnel.
2. Understand the factors associated with civilian medical employment, and for military personnel, the factors associated with medical employment inside and outside the military.
3. Determine the potential capabilities gaps that healthcare facilities could face during a large-scale, prolonged deployment of military and civilian reserve medical personnel.
2. Understand the factors associated with civilian medical employment, and for military personnel, the factors associated with medical employment inside and outside the military.
3. Determine the potential capabilities gaps that healthcare facilities could face during a large-scale, prolonged deployment of military and civilian reserve medical personnel.
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