Revolutionizing Remote Casualty Care: A Global Perspective
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
Veterans Health Administration/Veterans Affairs (VHA/VA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care, Medical Technology, Policy/Management/Administrative
Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes:
1. Attendees will explore how remote casualty care can contribute to preventing avoidable deaths worldwide.
2. Attendees will examine the algorithmic approach of first responders to the initial response, even when the chain of action was not established during the planning phase.
3. Attendees will receive a blueprint for implementing an action plan for remote casualty care algorithms as part of nationwide emergency response protocols.
4. Attendees will learn how to leverage advancements in remote physiological monitoring systems and care for casualties, with expert guidance from advanced trauma care centers, especially those who cannot evacuate within the first hour.
5. Attendees will understand the limitations of remote care and the challenges first responders face in improving the current system.
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