Impact of pre-accession disqualifications for eye health and visual acuity on mission readiness
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe service outcomes among active-duty enlistees who entered service via an approved medical waiver for keratoconus.
2. Describe service outcomes among active-duty enlistees who entered service via an approved medical waiver for esotropia.
3. Describe service outcomes among active-duty enlistees who entered service via an approved medical waiver for exotropia.
4. Describe service outcomes among active-duty enlistees who entered service via an approved medical waiver for low vision in one eye.
5. Compare and contrast these four major categories on the potential for relaxing standards or service waiver policies with the least downside risk.
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