Adult Education Advisors Used to Re-Optimize Team Aerospace Clinical Education for Great Power Competition
Dr. Melanie Lazarus
Ms. Rachel Hawkins , Department of Defense/United States Air Force/USAF School of Aerospace Medicine
Ms. Rachel Hawkins , Department of Defense/United States Air Force/USAF School of Aerospace Medicine
Content Presented on Behalf of
Air Force
Services/Agencies represented
US Air Force
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the purpose, features, and process of the Academic Excellence Program at the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine.
2. Compare and contrast student outcomes before and after the use of the Academic Excellence Program.
3. Explain the benefits of the Academic Excellence Program in the re-optimization for Great Power Competition.
2. Compare and contrast student outcomes before and after the use of the Academic Excellence Program.
3. Explain the benefits of the Academic Excellence Program in the re-optimization for Great Power Competition.
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