Impact of Pre-accession Medical Waivers for Musculoskeletal Injuries on Mission Readiness and Disability Discharge among Male and Female Enlistees
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Learning Outcomes
1. Examine overall and waiver-specific retention for differences between male and female enlistees who entered military service via an approved medical waiver for a shoulder, knee, or ankle injury compared to medically qualified male and female enlistees.
2. Examine differences in separation (EPTS, disability, overall attrition) for enlistees who entered military service via an approved waiver for shoulder, knee, or ankle injury compared to the medically qualified by sex.
3. Describe potential for refinement of accession medical waiver approval criteria and/or re-injury prevention strategies among enlistees who entered military service via an approved waiver for a shoulder, knee, or ankle injury.
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