Beyond Command: Exploring the Dynamics of the Military Medical Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Relationship in Military Medicine
Content Presented on Behalf of
Uniformed Services University
Services/Agencies represented
US Navy, Uniformed Services University (USU)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Policy/Management/Administrative, Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
Following this session, the attendee will be able to...
1. Describe in context the three key themes of open communication, trust in training, and mutual mentorship and their impact on Military Medical Officer-Non-Commissioned Officer dynamics.
2. Recognize the value of fostering effective communication, building trust, and supporting mentorship in military healthcare settings.
3. Assess the implications of these findings for developing training programs aimed at improving collaboration and leadership skills among new MMOs.
4. Integrate new practices into existing training programs that prepare new MMOs to build successful working relationships with NCOs.
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