Outcomes and Opportunities in the Military Physician Scientist Training Pathway at Uniformed Services University
Content Presented on Behalf of
Uniformed Services University
Services/Agencies represented
US Air Force, US Army, Uniformed Services University (USU)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Policy/Management/Administrative, Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
Following this session, the attendee will be able to:
1. Participants will be able to describe the physician scientist training pathway at Uniformed Services University (USU)
2. Participants will understand opportunities to improve continuity in the dual degree training program
3. Participants will understand the unique role physician scientists play in the Military Health System (MHS)
1. Participants will be able to describe the physician scientist training pathway at Uniformed Services University (USU)
2. Participants will understand opportunities to improve continuity in the dual degree training program
3. Participants will understand the unique role physician scientists play in the Military Health System (MHS)
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