Resilient in Mission. Healthy in Life. Resilience research at the Bundeswehr Institute for Preventive Medicine (InstPrävMedBw)
Content Presented on Behalf of
International Delegates
Services/Agencies represented
Defense Health Agency (DHA), International/Non-US Delegate, Military Health System/Health Affairs (MHS/HA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Behavioral and Mental Health
Learning Outcomes
1. Like the entire Bundeswehr, the InstPrävMedBw is also facing the challenges of the changed global security situation and supports the armed forces in NATO's international research network with needs-based science-based services for leadership and troops.
2. A current and future focus is on the topic of resilience research and strengthening, to which the InstPrävMedBw, together with scientific research partners, is intensively dedicated to.
3. A separate, forward-looking branch of research within the overall resilience complex arises from the human body's ability to synthesize biological substances, which, as a biomarker panel, can provide information about the extent of resilience.
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