Solutions to Address Several National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Pilot Program Findings
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
US Public Health Service/Health Human Services/Indian Health Service (USPHS/HHS/IHS), Uniformed Services University (USU), Veterans Health Administration/Veterans Affairs (VHA/VA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care, Medical Technology, Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the collaboration between the DoD and NDMS in the mobilization of casualties during a LSCO.
• The movement and definitive care of large numbers of casualties may surpass DoD resources. In order to support DoD casualty care, NDMS requires a capable and reliable solution to surge capacity that can maintain quality and continuity of care, from arrival to disposition.

2. Identify interagency partners in the NDMS Pilot.
• NDMS civilian partner hospitals
• ASPR Disaster Telemedicine

3. Explain how ASPR Disaster Telemedicine proposes to meet needs identified in the NDMS Pilot.
• Provide a wide array of telemedicine solutions to meet medical support needs across multiple care settings.
• Provide an EMR that will capture the required criteria and information to aid in Fitness-for-Duty determination of the service member.
• Provide an intermediary secure and selective health information repository to provide DoD the ability to extract service member medical data for continuity of care and troop status overview.
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