Extended Wear Dressing in Acute Traumatic Wounds: Case Series from a Ukrainian Combat Hospital Shows Reduced Pain, Hospital Stay, and Dressing Changes
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Services/Agencies represented
Veterans Health Administration/Veterans Affairs (VHA/VA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand how using transforming powder dressing instead of conventional wound dressings results in fewer wound dressings required.
2. Describe mechanisms of action of TPD matrix that may enhance wound healing (e.g., oxygen permeable barrier, moisture balance akin to skin, vapor transpiration, etc).
3. List several etiologies of combat related wounds that TPD can be applied to.
4. Demonstrate how wound management with TPD may reduce wound related pain compared to conventional dressings
5. Perceive the potential benefit of accelerated hospital discharge and return to duty using TPD in comparison to conventional dressings.
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