Factors Associated with Physical Fitness Test Failure: Risk among Active-Duty Service Members with a History of Fracture
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
US Army, Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care
Learning Outcomes
Following this session, the attendee will be able to
1. Define and characterize the definition of trauma center deserts
2. Identify military trauma center deserts and healthcare desserts using geographical and demographic data.
3. Apply the importance of trauma centers in providing critical care to injured individuals, especially in military contexts
4. Discuss the potential mechanisms linking trauma center availability to readiness and retention, specifically in the context of fractures.
5. Advocate for recommendations to improve trauma care access and mitigating healthcare disparities among active duty service members as it relates to orthopedic surgery
1. Define and characterize the definition of trauma center deserts
2. Identify military trauma center deserts and healthcare desserts using geographical and demographic data.
3. Apply the importance of trauma centers in providing critical care to injured individuals, especially in military contexts
4. Discuss the potential mechanisms linking trauma center availability to readiness and retention, specifically in the context of fractures.
5. Advocate for recommendations to improve trauma care access and mitigating healthcare disparities among active duty service members as it relates to orthopedic surgery
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