Military Healthcare Leadership and Ethical Challenges on the Modern Battlefield
Anatolii Kazmirchuk John Andrus
COL MC USA (RET) Frederick Lough
Content Presented on Behalf of
Uniformed Services University
Services/Agencies represented
US Air Force, International/Non-US Delegate, Joint Staff Surgeon (JSS), US Navy, Uniformed Services University (USU), Other/Not Listed
Session Type
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Start Time
4:30 PM
End Time
5:30 PM
Cherry Blossom
Focus Areas/Topics
Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
1) Participants will acquire knowledge of leadership and ethical issues on today's increasingly complex battlefield.
2) Participants will gain an appreciation for addressing and resolving the challenging leadership and ethical issues on the battlefield.
3) Future technology will vastly alter the air, land and sea battlespaces. Participants in this session will gain a perspective on how senior leaders are preparing for these challenges.
CE/CME Session
CE/CME Session
Session Currently Live

Panel of four U.S. and international military healthcare leaders to be selected in coordination with the Joint Staff Surgeon. Each panelist will have 10 minutes to present their views of the Leadership and Ethical Challenges on today's battlefield and their vision of the future. The final 20 minutes will be reserved for question and answer.