Integrated Response to Large-Scale Combat Operations: Systems, Policies, and Ingenuity
Content Presented on Behalf of
Uniformed Services University
Services/Agencies represented
US Air Force, Uniformed Services University (USU), Other/Not Listed
Session Type
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Start Time
2:00 PM
End Time
3:00 PM
Woodrow Wilson C
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care, Policy/Management/Administrative, Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze the systems level requirements our military and civilian health systems will need to meet to respond effectively to a LSCO.
2. Identify key bottlenecks and constraints in providing definitive care to large numbers of military and civilian casualties during war or other catastrophic events.
3. Discuss the policy enablers and gaps in mobilizing our nation's military and civilian health systems during wartime scenarios.
CE/CME Session
CE/CME Session
Session Currently Live

The National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) is the Office of Primary Responsibility for a Congressionally directed effort to assess and strengthen the nation's military and civilian health systems with the aim of providing care to large numbers of military and civilian casualties returning home from an overseas conflict (i.e., the NDMS Pilot Program). The panel will discuss several integrated efforts under the NDMS Pilot that are designed to achieve a more sustainable model for medical preparedness to large-scale combat operations (LSCOs). Specifically, the panel will discuss several related NDMS Pilot projects, including a systems level model of medical response under LSCO scenarios (MIT LL led), interagency policy review (Georgetown led), and a novel approach to building capacity rapidly under extreme wartime conditions (UNMC led).