Army Plenary - The Future of Army Medicine: Providing the Joint Force Combat Ready, Medically Credible Forces
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
US Army
Session Type
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Start Time
8:15 AM
End Time
8:45 AM
Maryland Ballroom
Focus Areas/Topics
Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
Following this session, the attendee will be able to 1. Briefly discuss the history of the MHS transformation 2. Articulate what tasks are required to provide the Army and Joint Forces combat ready, medically credible forces at echelon, during campaigning and in crisis, to sustain the health of the total force and 3. summarize the way head for the future of Army Medicine.
CE/CME Session
CE/CME Session
Session Currently Live

Army Medicine is at a historic inflection point. Years of transformation within the Military Health System (MHS) combined with the prospect of Large-Scale Combat Operations requires an evaluation of the MHS, and Army Medicine in particular, to ensure preparedness for each assigned mission set. In addition to caring for our Soldiers, Family Members, and beneficiaries from fixed facilities, Army Medicine must perform those tasks for which we are the Executive Agent. Most importantly, Army Medicine must be ready, at scale, to provide the Army and Joint Force combat ready, medically credible forces at echelon, during campaigning and in crisis, to sustain the health of the total force. This requires deliberate prioritization and a shared understanding of what we are for – this requires leading through change.