The Way Forward for En Route Care (ERC)
Executive Advisory Board (EAB) or Platinum Sponsor
Content Presented on Behalf of
Executive Advisory Board (EAB)
Services/Agencies represented
Executive Advisory Board (EAB)
Session Type
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Start Time
11:30 AM
End Time
12:30 PM
Woodrow Wilson D
Focus Areas/Topics
Trending/Hot Topics or Other not listed
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
o Identify and discuss the cognitive burden that the current standard of care imposes on providers as they care for their patients.
o Describe an optimized En Route Care system of systems that scales with the needs of the patient, user, and mission environment/phase.
o Summarize the current technologies under development listing their technology readiness level and regulator review path.
CE/CME Session
Non-CE Session
Session Currently Live

Existing systems of medical care, hospital, prehospital, and En Route Care (ERC) place the sole responsibility for success on the care provider. Progression towards optimal ERC will necessitate change to the core elements of the medical system including, standard of care and the associated procedures, the clinical data environment in which they operate, and the technology used to diagnose, monitor and treat patients. An optimal system augments and enables the user and reduces their cognitive burden as they care for their patient.