Joint Emergency Response Preparedness: Building and Strengthening Partnership through Federal, State, and Local Coordination
CDR Rovigel (Jill) Gelviro , Office of the Secretary/ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health/Commissioned Corps Headquarters
CDR Ingrid St. Amand
CDR Ingrid St. Amand
Content Presented on Behalf of
Services/Agencies represented
US Public Health Service/Health Human Services/Indian Health Service (USPHS/HHS/IHS)
Session Type
Prince Georges Exhibit Hall
Focus Areas/Topics
Clinical Care, Policy/Management/Administrative
Learning Outcomes
Following this presentation, the participant will be able to:
1. Identify the supporting agencies that fall under the emergency support functions #8
“Public Health and Medical Services.”
2. Understand the value of partnership in preparing for a domestic response.
3. Describe the process used in developing partnerships among supporting agencies under
4. Outline the joint training opportunities executed derived from the project.
1. Identify the supporting agencies that fall under the emergency support functions #8
“Public Health and Medical Services.”
2. Understand the value of partnership in preparing for a domestic response.
3. Describe the process used in developing partnerships among supporting agencies under
4. Outline the joint training opportunities executed derived from the project.
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