National Emergency Medical Services Capability and Capacity Study
Performing Surveillance for Peripheral Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (PLABSI): One VA Hospital’s Quality Improvement Effort
Safeguarding Public Health Through FDA Import Security
Factors Impacting Health Worker Well-being Across Health Centers Nationally, Results from a National Survey
Estimated Impact of Adenoma and Colorectal Cancer Early Detection on Health Outcomes and Screening Effectiveness
Vista Forge: A Civilian Military Collaborative Approach to Improve CBRN Response, Optimize Support, and Identify Gaps
Enhancing Military Medical Standards and Readiness through Data-Driven Insights: The Role of the Medical Standards Analytics and Research (MSAR) Program
Kaiser Permanente's Interoperability Pledge with VHA
Mitigating Intraoperative Hypothermia Through Prewarming - A Quality Improvement Project
Surgical Control Time Estimation Variability: Implications for Medical Systems and the Future Integration of AI and ML Models
Joint Emergency Response Preparedness: Building and Strengthening Partnership through Federal, State, and Local Coordination
Post-diagnosis Statin Use and Survival among Lung Cancer Patients: A study Based on MilCanEpi, Linked Database of the DoD Central Cancer Registry (CCR) and MHS Data Repository (MDR)
Overview of 50 or more sorties transported by the JASDF Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron with the mobile medical unit.
Preparing for Irregular Warfare Medicine Through the Lens of History
Stability of basic life support training for non-medical staff
Naval Infectious Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory (NIDDL): Improving Military Medicine through Clinical Diagnostic and Research
The Transformative Role of AI in Improving Electronic Medical Records
A Chronic Radiation Exposure Porcine Model for Developing Radiation Countermeasures
Outcomes and Opportunities in the Military Physician Scientist Training Pathway at Uniformed Services University
Understanding Pediatric Mortality in Conflict Zones: A Twenty-Year Analysis of Humanitarian Trauma Care
Real Warriors Campaign- Breaking Down Barriers to Seeking Care
What Drives Retention Among Army Nurses? A Qualitative Perspective.
The utility of Fish skin in treating war wounds
Women on the Waterfront (WoW) Initiative: Literature Review Supporting a Mobile Medical Unit to Improve Access to Women’s Health for Active-Duty Sailors in the Pacific Northwest
Revolutionizing Remote Casualty Care: A Global Perspective
Leveraging AI to Predict and Prevent Suicide in Veterans
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Inpatient Pharmacy
Implant site development requirements in an advanced dental education program: A Series of 290 Implants
Appendectomy Using A Hermetic Surgical System (HeSS): A Prototype for Surgery in Austere Environments
Caring for Americans Veterans: The Impact of Academic Partnerships
Hypoxemia during moderate sedation for periodontal surgery
HAPPiness in Continuous Process Improvement: Having the Right Information for the Right Documentation and the Right Orders in the Right Place, Right Now!
Combat Radiology: Past and Future
Factors Associated with Physical Fitness Test Failure: Risk among Active-Duty Service Members with a History of Fracture
Identifying Bottlenecks in the National Disaster Medical System through Mission Modeling
The Impact of Healthcare Deserts on Obstetric Outcomes among US Military Servicemembers
Differences in Survival between Black and White Patients with Lung Cancer: Comparison of Data from the DoD Central Cancer Registry (CCR) and the National Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program
Dimensions of a Ruler to Measure and Mark Donor Blood Bags to Reliably Fill to 450mL
Evaluating Bioburden in 3D-Printed Polycarbonate Filaments
Barriers in COVID-19 Oral Antivirals (OAVs) in Long Term Care Facilities: A Clinical Perspective
Improving Transgender Care for Veterans with Simulation Training
Integrated Platform for Joint Services in Support of Medical Common Operating Picture
In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis of a Novel Bubble BiPAP Device for Infants in Respiratory Distress in Austere Settings
Racial-Ethnic Comparisons in Colon Cancer Surgery and Postoperative Outcomes in the Military Health System
Operational Review and Analysis of the Federal Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Landscape Governing Responses to Large-Scale Medical Surge Events in the United States
Pharmacokinetics of tranexamic acid (TXA) delivered by expeditious routes in a swine model of polytrauma and hemorrhagic shock
The Use of AI in Echocardiography in the ICU: Pros and Cons
The US Department of Veterans Affairs’ New Presumptive Decision-Making Process: From Evidence to Policy.
Virtual Ease: Interdepartmental Coordination Improves Journey to High Reliability Organization and a Healthier Work Environment
Supporting HRO Implementation Across Two Federal Health Care Systems: Spotlight on Communications and Engagement
Improving the Quality of Patient Handovers in an Operational Environment – A Controlled Study
Telehealth Innovation in VHA to Reduce Amputations in the Veteran Population
Evaluation of Performance and Women’s Health in the Military in a Readiness Program for Active-Duty Service Women
Continuing Surgical Practice During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding among Military Medical Officers
The Impact of Architectural Healthcare Design on Healthcare Outcomes and Addressing Disparities
The role of interdisciplinary team care and lifestyle factors in brain health and performance enhancement in service members with symptoms persisting after history of concussion
A Portfolio-Evaluation Of A Suite Of Evidence Based Suicide Prevention Projects
Injury Care and Care Disparities in Active Duty Service Members
Integrating Foresight into Strategy
Characteristics of Ocular Injuries treated in Soroka University Medical Center during the "Iron Swords" War
An analysis of the association of whole blood transfusion with the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Artificial Intelligence to Support Military Readiness Assessment
Size Matters in Wound Healing: A Transcriptomic Analysis Across Healing Trajectory
What We Do: A Quarterly Multidisciplinary Craniofacial Surgical Team Meeting to Improve Perioperative Morbidity and Adherence to Clinical Pathways
Modeling Casualty Categories in Large-Scale Combat Operations from Limited Ukrainian Combat Casualty Data
Linking implementation science and policy: Processes and tools for congressionally mandated implementation, evaluation, and reporting
Military environmental exposures and risk of breast cancer in active-duty personnel and veterans
Impact of pre-accession disqualifications for eye health and visual acuity on mission readiness
Mental Health, Substance Use and Sleep treatment in Active-Duty Soldiers who have Completed the Warrior Care and Transition Program
I am Safe, Your Safe: Bariatric Emergency Evacuation Simulation
Management of Recurrent Eumycetoma of the Foot: A Case of Surgical Excision and Antifungal Treatment
Impact of an Empathy Seminar in Medical Training at the Military Health System (MHS)
Disparities in COVID-19 testing and infection among direct care recipients in the Military Health System during the first year of the pandemic
Guideline Concordant Cervical Cancer Screening Among Active-Duty Service Women in the U.S Military From 2017-2022
Lessons Learned from Ukraine: How the MOVES® SLC™ Integrated Life Support and Oxygen Delivery System Disrupts the Traditional Battlefield Oxygen Paradigm
Introduction to the 2024 VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Stroke Rehabilitation
Caring for Veterans: Challenges and Cultural Competency in Healthcare
Wearable Near Infrared Spectroscopy-based Physiological Monitoring during Hemorrhage
Resilient in Mission. Healthy in Life. Resilience research at the Bundeswehr Institute for Preventive Medicine (InstPrävMedBw)
Improving Nurse Safety: Insights from VHA’s Office of Nursing Services 2023 Nurse Safety and Workplace Violence Review
Assessing the relationship between body mass index and influenza-like-illness risk and symptom severity among Military Health System beneficiaries
From Storage to Point of Care: Improving Reusable Medical Device Stewardship Through an Evidence-Based Bundle
Demonstrated Effectiveness in the Implementation of the DoD Global Health Engagement Knowledge Management Program: Building Momentum
A Smartphone App to teach Military Healthcare Ethics
The Importance of Dental Field Medicine
Autonomous Precision Resuscitation During Ground and Air Transport of a Porcine Non-compressible Torso Hemorrhagic Shock Model
The effects of a Copper-Iodine Complex-based wound irrigation solution on the reduction of biofilms grown on implant materials and in vivo porcine wounds
Racial-Ethnic Comparisons in Surgical Treatment and Outcomes of Non-Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer in the U.S. Military Health System
Active case finding for tuberculosis among Ukrainian soldiers at the German Armed Forces (Retro-TB-Bw)
Implementing the VA/DoD Tinnitus Clinical Practice Guidelines into Practice: What Every Clinician Needs to Know to Deliver Evidence-Based Care
Lessons from the National Medical Disability Exam (MDE) Program Infrastructure Delivers Optimized Services and Real-World Examples that Can Be Used to Monitor and Ensure Medical Force Readiness
Inaugural Regional Nurse Case Managers in the US Coast Guard
The use of Machine Learning tools for Military Health Research: Strengths, Limitations and Future Directions: An MTBI2 Study
Future Role of AI in Making Ethical Decisions in End-of-Life Care: Pros and Cons
Patient Care Systems Integration Platform (PCSIP) for Optimizing Clinical Care in Radiation Oncology
Improving Concussion Management in the Military Health System through Optimized Implementation of Evidence-based Practice
What do patients expect from their physicians? Qualitative research on the ethical aspects of patient statements
Development and Evaluation of an Orally Available Prophylactic Medical Countermeasure for Acute Radiation Syndrome
Evidenced Based Approach to Incorporating Race as a Factor in Postpartum Hemorrhage Risk Management
Protecting DHS Working Animals
The Complex Exposure Threats Center of Excellence (CETCE): Leading the VA’s Efforts to Address the Complex Needs of Targeted Veteran Exposure Cohorts and to Anticipate Emerging Military Exposure Health Threats
Surgical Team Structure: How Familiarity and Team Size Influence Communication Effectiveness in Military Surgical Teams
Enhancing Respiratory Protection: Assessment of Reusable Elastomeric Half Mask Respirators (EHMRs) in Healthcare Settings
Bridging Barriers to Intervention Access for Children on the Autism Spectrum Using Digital Tools
Surviving to Thriving: How CMS Elevates the Customer Voice to Address Avoidable Burden in Healthcare for Providers and Patients to Flourish
Increasing Access to High Quality Neuropsychological Evaluations for Veterans with Military Environmental Exposures
Federal Response to COVID-19: A Nursing Perspective
Are We Ready? Developing Enhanced Competencies for Novice Military Family and Women's Health NPs
Leveraging Digital Healthcare Technologies at the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): innovation trends, perspectives, challenges, and unmet needs
The Role of Smart Technology in Real-Time Opioid Relapse Prevention: A Pilot Study
Charting the future: improving longitudinal care through modernized documentation
We Need a Medic! The Russian Military-Medicine Experience in Ukraine
Medical Logistics Modernization Across the Joint Force
Team Based Characteristics of Interdisciplinary Human Performance Teams (HPTs): Findings from an Exploratory Study
Building capacity to reduce military treatment facility (MTF) plan all-cause readmissions
Organizational Development and High Reliability Organization (HRO): Transforming Culture and Employee Engagement VHA HRO CoP
From “Ready to Get Out of Here” to “Not that Bad”: Improving VA’s Health Profession Trainee Experiences Across Sites Transitioning to the New Federal Electronic Health Record
FDA US Pacific Island Program for Guam Health Care Fraud and Abuse Engagement Pilot
The use of AI Natural Language Processing Tools in Clinical Decision Support Systems: an MTBI2 Presentation
Multidisciplinary Case Review Committee: Initial Analysis of Holistic Referral Source for Evaluation and Treatment of Exertional Heat Injuries
The 2023 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD) Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Disorder
Collaborative Approach to Enhancing Access to Care and Optimizing Appointment Utilization in Military Health Clinics
Mechanisms of Resilience Capacity and Activation within Military Health Systems
Training Future Navy Medicine Leaders Through the Navy Medicine Quality and Safety Leadership Academy (NMQSLA)
Peer Comparison as an Intervention for Changing Prescriber Behavior in the Military Health System: a quality improvement project
Solutions to Address Several National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Pilot Program Findings
Evaluation of Total Hip Arthroplasty Receipt Inequities Within the US Military Health System
Qualitative Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Course Implemented in the USCG: Results from focus groups of USCG members and affiliates
Beyond Command: Exploring the Dynamics of the Military Medical Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Relationship in Military Medicine
The effects of a Copper-Iodine Complex Solution wound irrigation solution on persistent and long-lasting, clinically relevant pathogens: an in vitro model
VIONE (Vital, Important, Optional, Not needed, Every medication has an indication): Medication Optimization and Polypharmacy Reduction Initiative
Orchestrating cloud networks for discoverable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable neuroscience
Collaboration in Preparedness: Developing a Common Operating Picture (COP) Dashboard
Veterans Health Administration Intermediate Care Technician home visit program allows Veterans to serve Veterans
Exploring Disparities in WIC Engagement among Military Families at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
RN Residency: Educating on the Veteran Continuum of Care
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), Health Equity, and Ethics: An Important Intersection
Impact of Transfer of Care at Greater Than 20 Weeks Gestation on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes
Military Officers’ Experiences with Soldiers’ Suicidality Study
Decreasing Minimal Blood Donor Interval with Iron Supplementation
AI: A Force Multiplier in Tele-ICU
A novel biosignal drone to support medical personnel in CBRN MasCal scenarios
Flourishing Smiles: Enhancing Patient and Workforce Experiences with CAD/CAM Dentistry
Trends in Surgical Volume and Outcomes and Workforce Availability in a Health System in Transition, 2016-2023
Classification of Gender and Systemic Disease from External Eye Photographs using Deep Learning
Adult Education Advisors Used to Re-Optimize Team Aerospace Clinical Education for Great Power Competition
Impact of Pre-accession Medical Waivers for Musculoskeletal Injuries on Mission Readiness and Disability Discharge among Male and Female Enlistees
Revolutionizing Military Healthcare: A Comparative Effectiveness Research Review on Leveraging Technology, Machine Learning, and Interoperability for Value-Based Care and Superior Outcomes
Optimizing Military Pharmacy Operations: Exploring Telework Benefits and Automatic Prescription Processing for Enhanced Efficiency, Patient Safety, and Patient Care
Prevalence Of Traditional, Complementary, Or Non-Conventional Medicine Use By Surgical Patients Seen Aboard The Hospital Ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) During Operation Continuing Promise 2022 (CP-22)
Auditory Cognition Lab: Innovations in Music Therapy and Speech- Language Co-Treatment for Military Populations with Auditory and Cognitive Impairments
Strengthening VA's Military Environmental Health Exposure workforce through collaboration and telehealth
Joint DoD and VA Medical Emergency Preparedness Training for Dental Teams
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of active-duty servicewomen regarding reproductive health care resources and access: a mixed method study
Helping people thrive: Delivering an all-of-government response to address the unknown impacts from Long COVID through communications and media engagement.
VA Exposure Informed Care: The VA's commitment to comprehensively address Veteran exposure-related health concerns
Disparities in monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment usage in the Military Health System during the COVID-19 pandemic
PACE Hub and Spoke Model – Spearheading a Regional Chapter
Presence and Utilization of Updated ACS-COT Field Triage Guidelines for the Injured Patient in Current Literature; Literature Review
Preliminary Results Measuring the User Experience of Self-reported Lifetime Blast Exposure Measures
Navy Medicine’s North Star in Action: A Spotlight on the Trauma Strategy Management Office’s Team-Based Military Civilian Partnerships for providing enduring support to the Fleet, Marines, and Joint Forces in high end competition, crisis, and combat
Persistent CSF fistula and late-onset meningitis after prolonged conservative management of an occipito-temporal skullbase fracture involving the posterior and middle fossa
Hop onboard! A Strategy to Keep Our Beneficiaries Moving on the Right Track - A highly reliable approach to care transitions in the Military Health System.
Autonomous Patient Transport Unit (APTU) a new approach for a seamless medical care on the battlefield
The day jobs of reserve component medical personnel and their impact on medical surge planning
Evaluation of Department of Defense Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs: Structure and Outcomes
Telehealth and Virtual Supervision of Health Professions Trainees in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Enhancing Military Medicine Training: Assessing Needs, Addressing Gaps, and Exploring Opportunities for USU’s Wide Area Virtual Environment (WAVE)
Applying a High Reliability Assessment and Planning Model as a Tool to Advance VHA’s Journey to High Reliability
Utilization and Perceived Benefit of Alpha Stim in Service Members and Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury
Introduction to the 2024 VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide
Extended Wear Dressing in Acute Traumatic Wounds: Case Series from a Ukrainian Combat Hospital Shows Reduced Pain, Hospital Stay, and Dressing Changes
VHA’s Journey to High Reliability: Measuring Progress toward Zero Harm
Racial, Ethnic, and Gendered Harassment and Discrimination in the U.S. Military and its Impact on Servicemember Health and Retention: A Scoping Review
Quality Assurance Check Process for the National Guard's Comprehensive Integrated Primary Prevention Plans
Defining Effective Combat Casualty Handover Communication: A Blueprint for Training and Evaluation
Using Simulation To Improve Workflow, Patient Safety, and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Utilization In Oral Surgery
Expanding Care for Veterans with Potential Chemical Warfare Agent Exposure: A Coordinated Effort between the Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) and Veterans Exposure Team – Health Outcomes Military Exposures (VET-HOME) Programs
Integration of ASSET and DSTC/DATC Courses into the Hungarian CIVMIL Medical Cooperation
MOSHing for Patient Safety - Enhancing Mitigation Effectiveness through Collaboration of Multi-Departmental Patient Safety Events
Capability Based Blueprinting: A Case Study in Community-Based Participatory Collaboration between Researchers, Health and Performance Professionals and the Military Communities They Serve
Joint Operational Readiness Training for Active Duty and Reserve Healthcare Teams
Psychological Resiliency Training: Using Simulation to Improve Suicide and Acute Stress Recognition and Management for DoD and VA Teams
Complex Cases of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis under Immunosuppression: Diagnostic Challenges and Future Considerations
One Team, One Fight: Developing DoD and VA Dental Simulation Champions
Myocardial Injury Among U.S. Service Members Recovering from COVID-19: A Cohort Study
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Access Sprint - The Impact of Focused Initiatives
Strategic Pause: A wellness intervention model for increasing connectedness
VHA 2022–32 Nursing Workforce Strategic Plan: How We Are Advancing Nursing and Transforming Health Care
A case study in agile software development: modernizing operational medicine to improve data collection and transmission
Organizational Aspects, Quality Systems, and Challenges of In-House 3D Printing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Implications for War-Related Reconstruction
EXMED Training Variables for the Expeditionary Resuscitative Surgical System
Integrating Menopause Care and Education into Military Health Practices